- Social Master: Group/Travel Games
- Social Master: Genius Personalities
- Social Master: The Artful Dodger/Genius Excuses/Stopping The Dodger
- Social Master: Genius Witticism
- Social Master: Lying/Liars/Manipulation/Manipulators/Weak/Evil People's Traits & Tactics
- Social Master: Coolest/Funniest/Manliest/Smartest Most legendary Guy I Know
- Social Master: Genius Concepts/Variations/Idea Maps/Models
- Social Master: Psychological Mistakes/Occupational Pitfalls/How They Will Fuck You/All Business Is Show Business
- Social Master: Lies the Herdman Needs/Things They Hate to Hear
- Social Master: Rapport/Banter/Conversation Gambits
- Social Master: Mental Domination/Control Thru Vanity/Desire/Intimidation
- Social Master: Law Bought By The Collectivist Death Worshipper To Feed Off The World's Destruction
- Social Master: Genius Style/Form & Content/Dramatic Effects
- Social Master: Epiphany/Initiation/Maxim/Spiritual Insight Of Genius
- Social Master: Company/Outing/Party Genius
- Social Master: Personality Types/Systems/Determining/Eliciting Personality Type
- Social Master: Character & Class/Etiquette/Noble Action
- Social Master: Getting Around Custom/Policy/Eliciting Information
- Social Master: Genius Insults/Retorts/Addressing Unwanted Situations/Repudiate/Deflect/Spin/Verbal Kung Fu
- Social Master: Sweetness/Subtlety/Strength/Reality/Abstraction
- Social Master: Genius Atmosphere/Environment/Making Cosy & Enjoyable Wherever One Goes
- Social Master: Genius Use of Image/Color/BW/Light/Shadow/Touch/Taste/Scent/Sound/Music
- Social Master: Genius Ergonomics/Forensics/Extreme/Production/Logistics/Interdiscipline/Polytechnique Genius
- Social Master: Genius Alternative Art Form/Genre Mixing/Future Speculation/Undiscovered Country
- Social Master: Sparcity/Clarity/Conciseness/Compression/Expansion
- Social Master: Body/Voice Language/Control Thru Body/Voice Language
- Social Master: Masterstroke/Art of Godlike Power/Sense of Wonder/The Sublime
- Social Master: Saving Another's 'Face'/Leaving Others an 'Out'
- Social Master: Charm/Compliment/Respect/Elevate Genius
- Social Master: Characteristics Of Attractiveness/Disgust
- Social Master: Life Situations/Problems They Never You About/Wish I Knew Then What I Know Now
- Social Master: Trust/Honesty/Respect The Holy Trinity of Relationship/Friendship/How To Treat Friend/Colleague/Love
- Social Master: Social Tactics/Hidden Signals/Communications